
Frequently Asked Questions

You can see the most basic information about the plasma donation. If you have any further questions, please contact us!

Healthy people between 18 and 60 with a weight from 50 to 140 kilograms (110 to 330 pounds). 

Besides, they shall have official document proving their address/residence in Hungary.

Who cannot become a donor?
- being pregnant and during lactation,
- having a tattoo, (ear) piercing within less than 4 months,
- after certain vaccines and in case of taking certain medicines,
- persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs

ID cardSocial Security cardResidence card
Due to the strict control system we have here, we cannot accept data by saying or written on a piece of paper, lacking a certified copy or the original cards. In such cases, the donor shall be turned down.


- ID card: passport, driving license
- Social Security card: EU Social Security card or a certificate on EU health insurance
- Residence card: official document certifying a Hungarian address, e.g. residence permit, dormitory certificate, etc.

Read it over to prepare for donating plasma.

The days before donating plasma:
- Significant fluid intake is rather important (2 to 3 liters). Drink water!
- Drinking alcohol is prohibited 12 hours before donating plasma!
- Eat a protein-rich diet, avoid fatty foods and colorful foods (carrots, beetroot, etc.).
- Avoid stimulant drinks, those high in caffeine, and diuretic herbal teas.

On the day of the plasma donation:
- Don’t arrive starving, eat within 3 hours before!
- Abundant fluid intake IS VERY IMPORTANT (at least 2 or 3 liters of water).

After the plasma donation:
- Continue with an increased fluid intake.
- On the day of the plasma donation avoid drinking alcohol.
- Avoid smoking a half an hour after donating plasma.
- Avoid performing heavy physical work or strenuous training on the day of the plasma donation.
- Protect the spot of the pinprick.

In 365 days, you can come donate up to 45 occasions. Of course this is not obligatory.

However, if you have done 45 donations in a shorter period of time, you will unfortunately have to take a break until you have the opportunity to come again.

Of course, you’re entitled to that in any case having performed a successful pheresis.

The amount of the maximum allowance laid down by law is HUF 8,000. In addition to this amount, we will also give you a bonus of HUF 5,000 every even occasions and HUF 3,000 every odd occasions, to reward you for your willingness to help.

This way, each successful pheresis gets rewarded HUF 13,000 every even occasionsHUF 11,000 every odd occasions, paid right after your plasma donation! Collecting points and taking advantage of our periodic campaigns, you can get further supplements.

Yes, donating blood at least once a year is mandatory, you have to provide a certificate of it.

According to Government Decree 439/2015, regular plasma donors shall take part in a blood donation once a year. You have 180 days after your first plasma donation to take part in a blood donation.
Should you fail to comply with this, we cannot include you into our system for a new plasma donation. Bring with you the certificate on your blood donation he next time you come for a plasma donation.

Within 2 weeks after the blood donation, you may not donate plasma, and within 2 days after a plasma donation, you may not donate blood.

Yes, but only if we have spare capacity at that time. In any case, prior appointment is recommended.

We recommend booking appointments either online or on the phone. With a spare capacity in the center, you will get your pheresis. Typically, late afternoon hours are overloaded, so donors arriving unannounced in this time slot may have to be turned away. In this case we ask for your understanding.
Abundant fluid intake before donating plasma is crucial (primarily still water). This makes the process smoother, and generates less complaints due to dehydration.

When you arrive at the center, after a check-in at the specified time, your data will be reconciled, and your weight, temperature, blood pressure will be registered.
Then, you will fill in a survey (health assessment). That’s followed by a medical examination and a blood sampling. The purpose of the latter is to decide whether you are a suitable plasma donor (e.g. no disqualifying infections or anemia). 

If the eligibility assessment finds everything in order, the lab results shall be waited for. After a notification, you will be able to book an appointment.

Next time, you can start the pheresis itself, during which the pheresis machine centrifuges the blood sample and returns the red blood cells back to your body. Donating plasma is painless all along.
The duration of a plasma donation is about 40 to 50 minutes, varying from person to person. Plasma donation takes less time when preceded by an abundant fluid intake. (Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of fluid the days before donating plasma!)

Yes, of course. Different illnesses and medications taken regularly are subject to individual medical assessment, so you will have the opportunity to discuss this at the donor screening.

Taking contraceptives does not affect plasma donation if they are taken at least 3 hours before the pheresis, but if you can, take them after the plasma donation. 

Alcohol consumption is forbidden 12 or rather 24 hours before donating plasma.

Using drugs is a criterion for exclusion from plasma donation!

Via plasma donation, you can help the sick, and will also get a free health screening.

Plasma is crucial for making certain medicinal products. Patients with hemophilia shall be given a plasma medicine in the form of an intravenous injection 2-3 times a week to avoid serious complications associated with their condition.

Patients with immune dysfunction also need plasma donors, as monthly immunoglobin supplementation is essential for many of them, even for their survival. Immunoglobin is an essential protein for protecting against viruses and bacteria, and many people have low level, or their bodies are even in lack of it.

The pharmaceutical industry itself is in great need of blood plasma, as there are many medicines that can be made using plasma. Hungary has long been dependent on imports in this area. This needs to change.

It is also important to mention the need for plasma as an ingredient in medicines for burns, bone marrow and organ transplants, or for the treatment of chickenpox.

•    Ha részt vettél nálunk korábban alkalmassági vizsgálaton, de eltelt 180 nap
•    Transzfúziót követően, miután eltelt 180 nap 
•    Terhesség után, majd szoptatást követően, miután eltelt 9+6 hónap
•    Abortuszt vagy vetélést követően, miután eltelt 180 nap
•    Nagyobb sebészeti beavatkozást követően.
•    Endoscopos beavatkozást követően (gyomortükrözés, béltükrözés)
•    Tetoválás (sminktetoválás is ide tartozik), piercing
•    Malária vagy egyéb trópusi betegség szempontjából rizikós országban járt
•    Személyes megjelenése esetén orvosaink egyéni mérlegelését követően

Do you have questions?

Contact us!